Meet Hana

Before I jump into the trip to Thailand and Vietnam, you need to meet my traveling companion for this trip.

Hana is my neice and a gift from God to me. She is a beautiful young woman who has her whole life ahead of her and she lives it to the full. She knows what she wants to do, and where she wants to go - and she does it.

We have been close for many years, so having serious and silly ‘life’ conversations is part of who we are. One day, about a year ago, we had a random conversation about where we wanted to travel when we “grew up”. We both wanted to go to Thailand but Keith did not, so, we decided to leave him home and go ourselves. What started out as a weird and silly conversation became an actual plan, and before we knew it, it was a thing… we were going. When we bought our plane tickets, there was no turning back and the excitement began to build.

She wanted to finish her pre-reqs for nursing school so we picked March/April, 2024. She is now done, with an amazing GPA, and has her applications out to several schools from Arizona to Washington State. She is originally from Washington, but is currently living in Oregon, and works in a local hospital as a CNA.

Hana has traveled to many places around the world, as have I, so this was not a stretch for us. But a girl trip - it just sounded like so much fun. And now, here we are in Thailand.

Let our adventures begin!


Time to go


What does life in AZ look like?