Humble Hana

Our neice Hana and her friend Sadie joined us for a few days. “Humble Hana” got her nickname when she was in her very early teens because she was anything but. We had so much fun teasing her way back then, and she will forever be known as Humble Hana to us. But, what a beautiful woman she has grown up to be and we are so proud of her.

First day - Garrison Bay. They had to learn how to drive a dingy in order to get to shore for a short hike. Sadie was driving, Hana was directing - mission eventually accomplished. 😳

Second day - Reid Harbor. We decided to row to shore for a hike to the light house and totem pole. Hana volunteered, and wanted us all to know “it wasn’t as easy as you’d think!”

A quick visit to the “powder room” outhouse and both girls had to pose. They were hilarious.

Third and final day - Friday Harbor, where they spent plenty of time exploring town. They were just pooped and needed a nap before dinner.

A perfect ending to a great weekend. We thoroughly enjoyed these girls and all the fun and laughter they brought with them.

Last morning, time to say good bye and catch an early ferry. You must have hot drinks and warm scones for the ferry ride…. Sadie is all set! We wished them safe travels and God’s blessings.


Meet Danny


Here Shrimpy, Shrimpy!