Meet Danny

It was time to do laundry and get ready for the next round of guests and look who I met.

This is Danny, a San Juan Island local for 45 years. He was an absolute gem and had so many great stories. His favorite was his role in the reinactments of the American/British war here on the island over at Garrison Bay. He chuckled as he described how he played parts for both sides with a quick change from a red coat to a blue coat, and no one knew the difference. We have seen some of these over the years and they are very fun to watch. Who knew one day I would meet one of the stars!

He shared that many people from around the world ask to take his picture, he must just have that face. I could see why… this was just a pose I couldn’t pass up. He is a precious soul and I loved chatting with him. ❤️


Deer Harbor - Cancelled!


Humble Hana