Last Stop - Akumal

As we open week 7 of our journey, we head north to Akumal. Bacalar was a great place and we recommend it for anyone who enjoys warm, beautiful water, more sandy beaches, good food, and a great sense of community.

Akumal is the smallest community we have stayed in. There’s not much in town but we did find the laundry mat and the fruit/vege stand, right in the middle of main street.

Our new home turned out to be something we weren’t prepared for. It was more like a glamping shelter, but the biggest drawback - the sleeping area was upstairs and everything else, including the bathroom, was downstairs. Due to a foot injury from a week ago, I wasn’t able to safely navigate the stairs so we stayed one night and had to find another accommodation.

Home #2 turned out to be an amazing find just up the road - a condo in a gated community that borders the Yalku cenote. This beautiful pool and yard is at our front door.

The Yalku cenote is a popular destination for tourists and there is a fee to access it. A benefit of our community, it is a quick 10 minute walk and we’re at the cenotes edge and there is no charge to swim. The park closes at 5:00 so we head over and have the whole place to ourselves. It is wonderful.

The cenote is large and opens into the ocean. This is just one small portion where you can see the public access across the water. It is teaming with beautiful fish and even with a slight current, it is easy to navigate. What was interesting about this, we visited here several years ago with Cheri and Eric and were so pleased to be able to enjoy it again, without the hordes of people.

Home #2 puts us a little farther from the beach than Home #1 - but our Home #1 host was so gracious to allow us to park at the apartment during the day so we can walk to the beach. Our path brings us around the corner of the bay (seen at the top of this picture). Easy-peasy and very convenient. There is one very nice area to rent a palapa and chairs for the day and a very good restaurant right next door. It is our go-to hangout.

This bay is also where the turtles hang out so it is full of tourists snorkling all day long.


Last Day in Mexico


Hammocking at Cocolitas