Port Browning

We continue our mission to find and experience new places. South Pender Island/Bedwell Harbor is a customs point where many will check in and just keep going. But there are some very cool little places on the Penders. Next stop was Port Browning on the south side of North Pender Island.

This is a long wide open bay with a great beach and plenty to do. We were on the dock but it was nice to see so much anchorage. The small town of North Pender is just a ten minute walk away with a well stocked grocery store, and of course, an amazing bakery.

I met a young man named Benjamin walking on the beach. He was five and wanted to know how old I was (but not my name). I started by saying I was very old, and he wasn’t good with that. So I told him how old and he jerked his head around, stared at me with mouth wide open in shock and said, “wow, that is really old”. I got such a chuckle out of him and learned he was trying to pull a large piece of kelp off the beach because he wanted it to be a snake. It was tangled in other kelp so I helped. His family wasn’t too far away and he went running off to show them his big snake. He was adorable…. I guess I am getting old, he told me so.

Interesting wild life found here, a dead sea cucumber washed up on the beach. Poor thing, someone must have thrown him overboard so they didn’t have to declare it.

The dingy was running a little low on fuel, so we decided this was a perfect opportunity to head to Bedwell Harbor through the narrow cut between the islands and hope we didn’t have to row ourselves in. Small boats can traverse this, but not big ones, and it’s so fun. The run is about three miles and very doable in a dingy and as it ended up, we had plenty of fuel.

The resort was beautiful and fairly quiet - there wasn’t anyone on the customs dock. We wandered around and then headed back. Of course we ran into someone we knew from the yacht club. We are everywhere.


Otter Cove


Annette Bay