Progreso & Flamingos

Progreso is a beautiful little beach town out on the coast and is situated on a long spit of land between a lagoon and the ocean. It houses a very long pier used for the occassional cruise ship and fuel storage. The lagoon however, is home to these beautiful flamingos, a few crocodiles, and other bird and wild life.

In their season, we were told you can hardly see the water due to the thousands of flamingos. But in the early spring they begin migrating to the east so their numbers were much less. We remembered watching some of them try to fly through a wind storm at Sisal, but it was a much more tranquil on this day and they were peacefully grazing. They cluck like chickens and it was such a funny sound to hear, out of the context of what we’re used to.

I spotted one Croc in the lagoon making his way. He wasn’t very big but was still impressive. He didn’t seem interested in the flamingos, apparently not enough meat on those skinny legs!

Flamingos weren’t the only guests to the lagoon. The pelicans were hanging out too, sunning themselves on the dead wood. They are such unique birds and are so fun to watch, especially during feeding time.

It was the end of our visit and we were heading back to Merida. We were amazed with how clean the town was and were sorry we didn’t take time to come stay here. We certainly will on the next trip. What a beautiful and peaceful place.


Saying Goodbye


Never Enough Beach Time