Saying Goodbye

After a week, we had to say goodbye to our host family in Merida but we enjoyed them so much. There are actually 4 children (and one more on the way) but the youngest boy was taking a nap during this picture. Mom is homeschooling the kids after all the issues with Covid, and commented how busy life became. She wondered when she would get to rest - I suggested in about 15 years.

The older kids were a little timid with the new Americans, but not the littlest one, he toddled right over and wanted me to pick him up - and of course, I DID! They were all adorable and so friendly - a precious family. I warned the parents to look out, the youngest daughter could rule the world one day. She reminded me of someone I know very well.

We hope they get to journey to the states some day, we’d love to see them again. Blessings to all of them, they will be missed.


Welcome to Villadolid


Progreso & Flamingos