Sedona - Cathedral Rock

We decide to take advantage of having a car and head north to see the Grand Canyon. First stop is Sedona, a tourist destination with plenty to see and do. We did our research and first stop was Cathedral Rock - a climb up a rock face with elevation gain of 741 feet. The destination is identified by the blue arrow to the left of the spires. I just love the red rock and all the formations.

This was rated as hard due to the elevation and the narrow passageways. Sedona is already at 4,350 feet and with occassional stops to catch our breath, we didnt have any trouble. If you scroll into the picture, you can see small specks of people making the climb.

Once you get past the flat rock, it’s climbing in crevices and steps built out of rocks.

The top was specatcular as it was actually a rim with a deep canyon on the backside.

There is then a small trail over to Eagles Beak. The canyon is 1000 to 1500 feet down and as many of you know, I’m the daredevil. Keith finally joined me out on the ledge and we finished with a kiss. Time to descend.

It took us about 50 minutes to climb to the top and 15 minutes to get back down. Our legs were pretty sore the next day but we would climb this again in a minute. It felt so good and the views were beyond words.


Sedona - Rock Crawling


Just plain fun!