Train Street

Our first adventure was to see “Train Street”. This street is the size of an alley where the train comes through several times a day. The locals have taken advantage of this rather unique event and made it a destination. Take a look and see. This is the view as the train comes through.

This is the view as the train is leaving. Life goes right back to normal until the next bell rings indicating it is coming again. Then everyone scrambles again to move the chairs and tables back and get everyone off the tracks.

Then there is the upstairs view. We found a little cafe up on a balcony, ordered some dinner and waited about 30 minutes for the next one. Notice how close we are, one could literally reach out and touch the train as it passes.

During the weekdays, the trains will run two at night and two in the morning. On weekends, they will run multiple times a day. We saw four trains pass in the span of about an hour.

What is also uniquie about this, these little shops and restaurants are people’s homes. So it is not uncommon to see things you would see in a neighborhood. Look closely and you will see the family chicken in the cage, just three feet from the tracks. It was wild!!


Good Food Awaits


Hanoi Traffic