FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Twin Time

It was finally time for family to join us. The much awaited event, which had to be postponed last year due to illness … Ryker and Sawyer finally get time on the boat. These two boys are amazing - they are so curious, inquisitive, adventuresome, and not afraid of anything. Their older brothers, Noah and CJ, had their turn on the boat several years ago so there was a strong sharing of experiences that had to be replicated on this trip.

First morning was our trip over to seal rock at low tide. It is early, everything is quiet, and they were more than ready. First task, learn how to row the boat. But, you say, it has a motor, why not use it? Remember, it is very early and everything is quiet. The other adults on our boat (and probably most other boats) aren’t even out of bed yet. Plus we want to sneak up on the seals and see the baby seal. It was learning time and it didn’t take long before they were in sync and off we went.

Next adventure - try out the paddle boards, kayaks and bring the dingy … just in case. Hmmm, who will get wet first?

Had to explore English Camp and they enjoyed learning about life as it was so many years ago and, of course, the pig war!

While on the boat, treats were plentiful… donettos for everyone (except Ima - yuck)

Wow - not afraid of crabs - these guys were rock stars! Even dad got in on displaying the trophys. What could be better? In a family that doesn’t care for seafood, these guys loved everything they tried - shrimp, crab, and even sushi tuna.

To top off a fabulous weekend, Bocci Ball. Roche Harbor has it all! What a great time of fun, laughter, and memory making. It’s what life is all about. Way to go Twins!!!