FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Welcome to Chatteroy

We made it home from Mexico, a nice golden brown and was welcomed to cold, wet, snowy weather. Brrrr, we were cold but our last Olympia task was to make final preparations for travel and head east to Chatteroy, Washington. It was actually snowing the morning we left so you can imagine our concerns about the pass. We stopped and prayed for God’s protection and trusting, we headed out. By the time we hit North Bend, the sun came out and the pass was dry with blue skies. Our God is so good to us.

The trip over was uneventful, only one mishap of something falling inside but it was only a small mess to clean and we know how to remedy it next time. I was pleased with how stable everything was - all my organizing skills and research paid off. Keith was also very pleased with how well the truck and trailer handled.

We spent a week getting all set up, visited family, enjoyed the sunshine, and Easter with family.

And the highlight was celebrating a special birthday with Mia. Her mom knows how to throw a party. Happy 5th birthday!

Before we knew it, t’was time to head west again and begin the next adventure…. by sea.