Welcome to Saddlebrook

We have several friends who have homes in the Saddlebrook community, located in a beautiful canyon north of Tucson. Sue and Eric invited us to come stay for a week full of fun activities, beautiful sun rises and sunsets, and lots of wildlife. Let’s take a peek at some of our fun ….

Pickleball, oh my goodness, what a great time we had - we are hooked! David was not only a great player, but also a great teacher! Thanks David and Holly for introducing us to such fun!

None of us are competitive so these were always pretty boring games… NOT!

Some much needed time at the pool and hot tub after we came down from our mountain treks.

A beautiful sunset view from the front of the house. Every night was a beautiful sunset and Sue saw every one of them (and I’m sure she saw almost every sunrise too).

Watching the moon rise with a high powered telescope. So impressive.

A family of mule deer grazing through the neighborhood. This was just a small family. We saw some almost everyday, sometimes in groups as big as 7-10.

A family of Javelina - these are part of the pig and hippopotamus families - what an odd combination.


Hike to Flag Rock


A Sick Black Wing