FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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The Bubbly Pool

Second stop of the day was Playa Chen Rio, affectionately referred to as the bubbly pool. This is located on the windward side of the island, just below the Coconuts Bar, where the surf can be intense. There is an area of rocks that provides a protection and creates a pool like affect. On one side of the rocks it is shallow for the kids and on the other, it is deeper and more aggressive, creating a bubbly pool for the adults.

It was great fun with lots of laughter as the waves would sneak up and try to knock you down. We enjoyed another long walk on the beach… again! You just can’t get enough beach walking time.

We had a similar experience in the BVI’s with friends Billie and Craig and had a great time enjoying the experience and the memory. We stayed until the restaurant closed down and then headed home. We had no idea how much sun our bodies had absorbed during the day, even with sunscreen.

Tomorrow will be a ‘no sun day’.