FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Off to Jaco

Our time on the peninsula was done and to the mainland we go. Our destination is Jaco (pronounced Haa-coe). It was faster to take the ferry over to Punterenas than to drive around.

Note: everything goes on the ferry - yes this is a truck full of pooping and peeing cows and yes, someone tried to walk between the truck and bulk head and got pee’d on…. yuck.

Gratefully, we were parked on the lower deck. A part of the boat deck lifts up to reveal a ramp and you drive down into the belly of the ferry. It was hot down there, so you get to the top quickly, but at least it didn’t stink.

While in transit we saw several sting rays on the surface of the water and some of our group even saw one jump out of the water - sadly, not me!