FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Is this New York City?

It surprised us both how big Bangkok is. Driving into the city from the airport, there are skyscrapers everywhere, big freeways, and tons of traffic. At first, it reminded us of New York City. But, when we got down into the heart of the city, there was an exteme shift in our awareness.

There are so many street vendors and homeless camps on the sidewalks everywhere, even right in front of the beautiful high rise buildings. There are very poor shanty neighborhoods everywhere, tucked in between the highrises, similar to what you would find in third world countries. However, the banks assure you this is a second world country.

As you go just out of the downtown, there a few nice neighborhoods, however large tent camps and shanty communities are all around them, some right across the street.

The comparison and conflict between great wealth and extreme poverty was overwhelming and sometimes emotional. This is not New York City.

It was a very hot afternoon and we were looking for some shade. We found a very nice park in the middle of town and only a quick 15 minute walk away.

While we were enjoying the cool, we had a couple of visitors. They weren’t intimidated by humans at all.